Tips and Ideas for Erotic Foreplay To Spice Up Your Sexual Life
BDSM isn’t only about the sexual acts. In fact, building up a lot of sexual tension beforehand, whether you’re the Dom or the sub, can lead to a much better experience. To do so, you’ll need to focus on BDSM foreplay and implement some sexy foreplay ideas in your daily life.
Foreplay for bondage is an essential part of increasing tension, which can really spice up your sexual life. And, unlike regular, vanilla erotic foreplay, BDSM foreplay makes things a lot more fun.
So, today, we’ll look at the importance of foreplay as a whole, as well as some foreplay tips you can immediately implement. Plus, we’ve included some spicy foreplay games that you can utilize to have your Dom or sub trembling for more!
What Is Foreplay and Why Is It Important
Whether you’ve dove into the world of BDSM or not, pre-sex play is a must. Think of it as a warm-up for sex, albeit often being a lot more pleasurable than the act itself.
Foreplay in itself describes all sexual activities that don’t include intercourse. This can be physical, like kissing or caressing, or other actions that result in sexual excitement, like a spicy text or a naughty “goodbye”.
As for its importance, pre-sex play is there to get your mind and body ready for sexual intercourse. In fact, many BDSM acts, like impact play, are purely foreplay but are equally arousing.
How Is BDSM Foreplay Different From Regular Foreplay
A common question BDSM newcomers make is how BDSM foreplay differs from regular ones. The answer to that is simple; it’s very different.
Bondage pre-sex is all about taking or submitting control, with one person being tied up. This is rarely the case with vanilla foreplay. Plus, if you ask us, traditional pre-sex acts are pretty limited and rarely engage different games or senses.
Foreplay Ideas To Take Your Sex Life To The Next Level
Now that you have a grasp of what you should expect from bondage pre-sex let’s get straight into the spicy ideas we’ve compiled!
Mental Foreplay
Mental foreplay is all about arousing the mind rather than the body. Sending spicy text messages throughout the day or saying a naughty goodbye to your Dom as they go to work are just a few examples.
Public Foreplay
There’s nothing more arousing than getting touchy-feely in public. Of course, don’t go all out and have sex in public view. But dirty talk, caressing each other, and the occasional bum-pinching are all great ways to get the blood flowing down there.
Sensual Foreplay
Now we’re getting to more hands-on pre-sex. Sensual pre-sex acts are all about rendering one or more senses useless, leading to the heightening of the rest. Let’s say you tie up your sub and use one of our premium blindfolds to restrict their touch and vision. These will make the slightest of kisses much more exhilarating!
Control Foreplay
Bouncing off sensual foreplay having or submitting control is one of the best BDSM foreplay ideas. As the Dom, you’ll have a lot on your plate, as you’ll be in charge of getting your partner off. On the other hand, as the sub, you’ll need to be able to submit your entire body to the Dom, so having a lot of trust in each other is a must.
Foreplay Games To Make Sex Even More Exciting
If you’re ready to get things to the next level, consider adding some foreplay games to your repertoire. These aren’t only exciting to play, but they can really make the sexual experience one you’ll always remember!
Shower Surprise
The name speaks for itself. You’ll need to prompt your Dom to have a quick shower before you both go to bed and then, you’ll join them unexpectedly. But, for this to work, you’ll need to refrain from intercourse; leave that until you’re out of the shower.
Hidden Surprise
Hidden surprise will require some toys. You’ll need to get a hold of a remote-controlled vibrator, the controller of which you’ll give to the Dom. While you’re out in public, the Dom’s aim is to make others notice the use of this toy while you try to conceal the vibrator.
Sex Dice
Sex dice is a bit more beginner-friendly. Get yourself a pair of dice, with each number corresponding to a foreplay act and a body part. For example, 1 could indicate Kiss, and 3 could be Breasts.
Don’t Forget About The BDSM Gear
These were just a few foreplay ideas and games you could use to spice up your next D/s act. We highly suggest you come up with some of your personal ideas, which can incorporate some BDSM gear as well. And if you’re looking for the best leather gear, we’ve got you covered!
At Oddo Leather, we strive to destigmatize bondage and make quality BDSM gear available to everyone. If you’re already dipping your toes in the vast BDSM sea, check out some of our premium leather collections!